S1 Biochemistry Lab:
- Äkta avant, Äkta start, and Agilent HPLC 1200, all with fraction collectors
- Cell Disrupter, Sonicator, Autoclave, Centrifuges, Shaking Incubators, Freezers
- MilliQ, Speedvac, PCR, Imager, Nanodrop, Lab Dish Washer
- Cary 100 UV-vis with multicell holder & temperature control, Light Microscopes
- FLUOstar Omega
- Refrigeration cabinet
- Freeze Dryer
- Thermocyclers
S-,X-,Q-band cw/pulsed EPR/ENDOR/PELDOR-Spectrometer E580 (Bruker)
- 4 MPFU channels
- pulse S-band with 20 W solid-state amplifier, S-MS5 resonator
- pulse X-band with 1 kW TWT, MD5, and MD4 resonators
- pulse Q-band with 150 W TWT, EN5107D2, and QT-II resonators
- Laser set-up for time-resolved EPR (355-2400 nm with 100-10 mJ)
- liquid helium cryostat (T = 2.5-300 K)
W-band cw/pulsed EPR/ENDOR/PELDOR-Spectrometer E680 (Bruker)
- 400 mW pulse amplifier
- 150 W ENDOR amplifier (100kHz-250 MHz)
- EPR & ENDOR resonators
- liquid helium cryostat (2.5-300 K)
X-band cw EPR-Spectrometer EMXmicro 6/1 (Bruker)
- resonators: SHQ, 4103TM, mixing, dual mode
- liquid nitrogen cryostat (77-500 K)
- liquid helium cryostat (2.8-300 K)
- in-situ electrochemical set-ups
- continuous flow set-up
- flat cells
- computer-controlled goniometer
- 500 W Hg lamp
X-band cw EPR-Spectrometer EMXnano (Bruker)
- benchtop spectrometer for student practicals and cw EPR
- liquid N2 finger dewar
© AG Schiemann